So you are wondering does pooping help you lose weight? You may have heard a few rumors about this but the main point is still valid, pooping helps you lose weight. Yes, there is a connection between how many times you pooped and losing weight but this is not a true causal relationship and it is mostly related to the way your digestive system works. In this article you will learn what exactly happens when you poop and why it is beneficial to lose weight through better digestion. If you keep that in mind, you will know why it is important to poo to keep your digestive system in shape.

The main reason why your body makes use of waste is to flush out the toxins that cause sickness in your body. The way that your body keeps itself clean is by using feces as a way to do this. If you are continuously pooping, this means that there is something wrong in your digestive tract and it is time to do something about it.
There are many people who think that the only benefit of frequent pooping is weight loss. The truth is that this is not true at all. Most pooping actually helps you lose weight because it is a great way for your body to get rid of the excess water weight that you are carrying around. It also helps cleanse the intestines and speeds up the detoxification process. These are just some of the reasons why you should consider doing some extra housekeeping every now and then.
What kind of maintenance should you do to keep your colon healthy and free from toxins? The answer is simple, lots! Constipation is a big problem for many people today and it can be solved by just improving your diet and keeping your digestive system healthy. By practicing good hygiene and by regularly exercising, you will see that the pounds will start to drop off very soon.
One good way to ensure that your colon is kept clean and healthy is to regularly practice pooping. To make this work effectively, you need to have a way to remind yourself to poo. You can easily do this by using a special tool called a pooper scooper. This is a small, hand-held device that looks like a camera, with two little handles.
Just place it right on your anus, and then sit back on the toilet. This device will catch all the excrement that is excreted by your body - including the poop. Every few hours, use the pooper scooper and scoop all the fecal matter right out of your body. This is a very easy way to ensure that your colon gets the thorough cleansing it needs, thereby ridding yourself of toxins.
A second way of proving that pooping helps with weight loss is by ensuring that you are drinking enough water. Without adequate amounts of water in your body, it becomes harder for the organs within it to function properly. Since the colon is the organ responsible for processing waste and purifying it, when there isn't enough water in your system, all of that waste is processed by the body as fecal matter. By drinking lots of water each day, you ensure that the colon is always functioning at maximum capacity.
Lastly, consider a regular exercise routine. Exercise is another great way to keep your bowels moving. Without it, however, your bowels may not be as efficient. As you exercise, your bowels move more quickly through the digestive tract, and this causes your poop to come out more rapidly. This means that you will be able to expel waste at a much faster rate. Regular exercise will help you with weight loss - and poop!
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