Many people wonder if pooping helps you lose weight. This can be a valid concern for several reasons. Some folks simply don't poop everyday. They might not feel the need to go when they do poop. Other folks might not feel like going when they have the urge to go. These are the folks that can benefit from knowing if pooping helps you lose weight.

If you are one of these folks and pooping helps you lose weight then good for you. You are more likely than others to maintain your ideal weight if you continue to maintain a regular lifestyle. But if you feel that you need to go especially if you have urgent work to do, then maybe you should reconsider your plan to see this as an added task. See this as an opportunity to use the bathroom more often and enjoy the benefits of a frequent bowel movement.
Many folks will argue that if they do poop often it doesn't make as much difference as having a regular schedule. This argument has merit in some regards. It can be difficult to keep a regular schedule with kids. They might want to watch their favorite cartoon show or play a video game all night long. They might even eat and drink earlier during the day so it's really impossible to predict their needs.
The same can be said for someone who is constipated. Their poop might not appear as much because of the fact that they are constipated. They might even consider it better because it looks more natural. On the other hand, if you look at someone who is not as well nourished as you are, you will see feces that looks a lot like chocolate. That might make you feel less inclined to eat a large meal in the future.
While pooping regularly can give you some assurance that you are indeed getting what you need, you might not want to get too carried away. If your body feels good, then you might not want to work as hard. You might want to take a break every now and again. You might also want to go to the bathroom before you plan to leave the house or before you do something else. This will help you maintain a sense of balance and avoid making poor decisions that could jeopardize your health.
If you do poop while on the toilet, you might feel bad about yourself. You might feel bad about how disgusting your stool looks. You might even feel bad about the waste itself, because you know it contains fecal matter that could make you really sick. Instead of focusing on all of these things, you might want to focus on the fact that you are doing the right thing for your health.
Regular pooping can help you lose weight. You might feel bad for even thinking this, but you can do the right thing for your health. You do not have to worry about having to deal with difficult feelings about your body until you start to lose weight because you are taking steps to cleanse your body.
You might even feel like you don't have to deal with these feelings. Pooping regularly can help you feel better about yourself so you might feel less inclined to pooping in the first place. You might feel like you can go out into nature and not have to worry about dealing with messy stool. You might feel happy with the way your life has changed because you have finally learned to deal with your bodily functions.
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