The question, does pooping help you lose weight? This is one of those questions you hear about a lot. A lot of people swear by it and some people swear it doesn't do anything at all. In this article I'm going to be telling you the truth, straight from my own mouth. I'm sure you don't want to hear the truth after buying a new diet system or using some new exercise machine, so here goes!
Yes, pooping helps you lose weight. Now why do I say this, you ask? Well, basically because pooping helps remove impurities from your body and also helps to maintain good health in the long term.
To achieve this you need to change your way of eating. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Don't rely on junk food and cake. Start eating real food like meat, chicken, fish, pasta and vegetables. You should never skip meals. Eat them at regular intervals, like every 2 hours.
Your poop is the perfect indicator of your health. If your poop is black and thick, you need to watch out. If it is white and easy to defecate then you're doing OK. It's actually very good for your digestion and can keep you away from many diseases. Your poop also contains substances that keep your bowels move regularly.
Your sleep cycle gets disrupted if your sleep is interrupted. If you have poor sleep habits, chances are you snore heavily and keep snoring until you pass out. These bad habits are very hard to change, but it helps to try. If you can sleep eight hours a night then it helps with your general state of health too. Also make sure you don't drink too much alcohol before going to sleep.
Your heart rate increases when you have a heavy meal. It helps to avoid having large meals. Eat smaller portions of smaller meals more often. This helps to regulate your body's basal metabolic rate. If you exercise, this also helps to increase your energy.
Pooping makes you go out of your mind. Some people might wonder how this could help them lose weight. The idea is that you may be worrying about other things while you are going to the bathroom. This distraction could lead you to do more harm than any good. You should learn to relax so that you don't think about anything that's bothering you.
It's true that pooping helps you lose weight. In the end it does. However, you shouldn't do it everyday. Do it only when you need to go. And if you can't control it and keep it to a minimum, then just reduce it to a small fraction of what you usually poop.
You can do an exercise that will help you manage your emotions when you are pooping. Try sitting down with a cup of milk or some juice. You can even add some apple juice into the mix. Now, instead of thinking about how much weight you lost last night or the day before, try to think about the joys of being able to drink your milk. You should see that your emotions are being managed and calmed down.
Pooping helps you prevent hemorrhoids from forming. But, too much of it will cause problems like irritation and anal bleeding. If you have hemorrhoid pains, make sure to get it checked by a doctor. Otherwise, you can try using ice packs for relief.
If you have constipation, using laxatives will help you feel better immediately. And you will also prevent more bowel movements from happening. But, laxatives don't really promote weight loss. They only suppress your appetite. This means, you will need to eat less in order to lose weight.
In ending, we have just covered some of the reasons why you should consider pooping to lose weight. Do you want to learn other tips? Get our free eBook and start losing weight today! See what other ways you can achieve fast weight loss by adopting this strategy.
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