How does pooping help you lose weight? It may not sound like a relevant question to anyone who is struggling to lose unwanted pounds, but it is one that deserves some serious attention. The answer is, it depends. On one hand, there is little doubt that pooping can be an important part of a weight loss program. A clean excretory system, after all, helps to ensure that waste material is removed from the body in its proper place.

In addition, while pooping may contribute to weight loss, it also may contribute to health benefits that extend beyond weight loss. Regularity, after all, helps to regulate the digestive tract, and a clean digestive tract may help to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. And while some speculate that frequent pooping may also help to stimulate a natural healing process within the body, there is no definitive evidence that this is actually the case. Indeed, it may be more useful to cleanse the bowels regularly as part of a general healthy lifestyle.
But for weight loss purposes, it is probably best to limit the amount of time spent cleaning up one's bottom. In most cases, however, the act of pooping itself will not likely contribute much to long-term weight loss. Instead, the act of moving poop through the bowels often is the defining action that triggers weight loss. As a matter of fact, when it comes to understanding how does pooping help you lose weight, it really comes down to one simple principle: as the body becomes less constrained, it burns more calories. This explains why people who often have to go to the bathroom before eating a full meal typically end up putting on more than they would if they just let their bodies regulate on its own.
However, pooping may not be the only means by which a person can increase his or her caloric intake. There are many other activities that may contribute toward weight loss. For example, when a child has to go to the bathroom, he may feel less inclined to snack later on in the evening. This may also be true of adults who have to get ready for work in the morning but have to do so before leaving home. Thus, even without the act of pooping, a person may find himself or herself eating more than normal because of the heightened need to be done before leaving home.
Does pooping help you lose weight? The short answer to this question is that it depends upon the situation. In some cases, pooping may be important because it provides an environment free from bacteria. In other cases, however, it may not be necessary at all. For instance, if a child is going to the bathroom anyway, there is no reason to spend extra time doing it and no benefit to the waistline.
At the other end of the spectrum, a busy mom who wants to lose weight may wish to make sure that she gets plenty of exercise during the day. However, it is not necessary to do extreme aerobics in order to keep from losing weight while doing her inevitable pooping. As long as she gets enough good quality exercise and leads a reasonably active lifestyle, pooping may not be that big of a concern after all.
Do bear in mind that your child may not like having his bottom released but trying to persuade him or her to do something else may prove a bit difficult. Thus, it may help to take some measure of initiative. For example, if the child is going potty outside, it may be possible to persuade them to go to the bathroom instead. If they are going to the bathroom anyway, though, it may be helpful to offer them a prize if they cooperate.
As a final thought, remember that what works for one child may not necessarily work for another. While it may be true that many children may find it useful to do their business after relieving themselves, some may find it best to potty train on their own. Indeed, you may want to take some time before giving up your old custom and consult with your child. If pooping helps you lose weight, talk to your child about it; he or she may have some very good ideas on getting started.
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