A lot of people ask, does pooping help you lose weight? Yes, it does, a little. As many may already know, it's important to eat right and exercise. These things will help speed up the metabolism and burn up more calories. That's why if you need to lose weight quickly, then maybe pooping can help.

One reason it may help is that it helps keep your stool moving. If your stool gets stuck in the colon or if your bowels are full and no matter how much you push, your poop just sits there and doesn't move, then your body is forced to move it. So if you're on an exercise program, then maybe pooping can help.
Pooping may also help you if you tend to have constipation. Just imagine all of the waste you have been carrying around. If you're not moving it out, then it will be trapped in your intestines. Now imagine how that feels like. It may even cause you to feel uncomfortable or experience pain.
So what's the solution? Well, if you want to avoid constipation, then just go to the bathroom as soon as you're finished eating. But how do you know when to go? The best way is to count to ten. If you can't go that fast, then just take a big spoon and swab as much of your poop as possible. You might even end up getting so much done that you make yourself poop again!
Pooping can also help you lose some weight because it gets rid of dried feces. Think of all of the left over food that's not used. Some may even be chafed. That means they're even more likely to get stuck in your colon. Plus, you're going to need to go to the bathroom often after defecating which will mean even more walking.
On the flip side, if you're a little busy and need to use the restroom very frequently, pooping can serve as a reward. It builds up your confidence and you start looking forward to it. As a result, you may find yourself wanting to go again soon. And that may motivate you to finally go ahead and use the restroom.
As long as you both are on the same page, pooping can actually help you lose weight. The good thing is that the effort really doesn't have to be very big. In fact, it's probably pretty easy. You just need to take care of simple tasks like passing the stool and using the restroom.
That's it - now you know why pooping helps you lose weight. It builds up your confidence and serves as a reward for doing things right. It's simple, quick and easy. Who wouldn't want that? Now all you have to do is commit some time and effort to making sure you always have poops to use. You don't have to wait until you're too tired to go.
Some people even go so far as to schedule an extra hour at night just for pooping. They think this will motivate them to do more in the future. That's understandable. But they might not realize how important it is to give themselves a reward every once in a while.
Another thing that people might not understand is that pooping removes excess moisture from the body. That's why it might make you feel better after a day of heavy duty pooping. While this might sound a bit off-putting at first, you'll notice that after a while, the pain of passing stool becomes less. Also, you'll find that your skin looks and feels softer - even if it was slightly dry before.
But the main reason why you should consider pooling is that it allows you to relieve stress. Stress might be responsible for a lot of health problems. You might not even realize it, but pooping might be the solution to your problem. Pooping allows you to relieve stress without having to head to the nearest Theraflu.
So the next time you hear someone ask does pooping help you lose weight, consider giving it a shot. Even if you haven't tried it in the past, it's never too late to try it. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results. Your confidence will grow and your self-esteem will improve. Just make sure not to overdo it.
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